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Share Accounts


» Share (Savings) Accounts

Your Ownership or “Share” of the credit union.

A “Share” account is the same as a “Savings” account at other financial institutions.  It is called a “Share” account because it represents you “share” or ownership of the credit union.  Access of Louisiana requires a $25.00 balance in this account to be considered a member.

  • Dividends are compounded and credited quarterly based on the average daily balance method. To obtain dividends you must maintain $50.00 for the dividend period.

» Share Draft (Checking) Account

Regular Checking

  • Our Checking Accounts can be opened with a minimum deposit of $25.00*.
  • No Minimum Balance Requirement
  • UNLIMITED check writing
  • Many check designs and styles to choose from
  • Monthly member statements
  • No charge for on-line bill pay system
  • *New accounts opened contingent on clearing Chex Systems

Mega Member Checking

  • Receive the same benefits as our regular checking and a few extras.
  • With a combined deposit total of $25,000.00 or greater you are eligible for the following:
  • Free checks (select from 3 styles)
  • No monthly service charge

Are your paydays sometimes too far apart? Avoid costly merchants' fees by opting in to Access of Louisiana’s Overdraft Protection program. It prevents your checks from being returned if you overdraw your account. To opt in for the convenient AOLFCU Overdraft Protection, contact our Member Service Representatives at 337-533-1808.

» Certificates

Share Certificates

Share Certificates are similar to Certificates of Deposit (CDs) at other financial institutions. Our share certificate allows you a short-term investment opportunity for a higher rate than your primary share account with just a minimum balance of $500.00.  Dividends are compounded and credited monthly.  Terms range from 6 months to 36 months.

Silver Share Certificates

Earn .25% more on your Share Certificate Deposit with an active checking, savings or loan.  Qualifications are as follows:

  • Member must be age 55 and over.
  • A share account must be open with a minimum $25.00 deposit.
  • A share draft account must be opened and maintained with a minimum deposit of $25.00 (subject to approval)

» IRA's

Saving for the future!  IRA stands for “individual Retirement Account,” and  Access of Louisiana FCU offers several of these tax advantaged savings accounts.  The types of IRAs we offer are:

  • Traditional
  • Roth
  • Coverdell Education Savings
  • IRA Share

Traditional IRA
A traditional IRA is a special type of savings plan designed to help the owner save for retirement. It offers tax-deferred earnings and the possibility of tax-deductible contributions.

Roth IRA
This is a "back-ended" IRA type, which is funded with non-deductible contributions and gives owners the opportunity for tax-free withdrawals. You can let your money grow tax-free in the Roth IRA Account for as long as you like.

Coverdell Education Savings IRA
The Coverdell Education Savings IRA's sole purpose is to help pay the higher education expenses of the child named on the account. But a Coverdell Education Savings IRA alone may not be enough to cover the cost of college. It should be viewed as a start for college savings.

IRA Share Account
IRA Share Accounts help your retirement savings grow at a faster pace. Your dividends are compounded and deposited quarterly. IRA Share Accounts provides you with a great, risk-free option for your retirement savings, with additional return to you through competitive dividend rates.

Contact the Credit Union to obtain more information on all IRA Accounts.

» Holiday Club Accounts

Start planning for Christmas early. With no minimum balance, no monthly service fee, and the same dividend rate as your regular shares, you can open your account any time during the year and the funds accumulate until the end of October ( payroll deduction or direct deposit is the best way to reach your goal). On the first business day of November funds are deposited into your share account for the accumulated amount in the club account. ***There is an early withdrawal penalty of $25 for any withdrawal before November 1st.

» Johnny Appleseed Kid's Club

The Johnny Appleseed Jr. Ecology Club

Access of Louisiana Federal Credit Union is a proud sponsor of this club for children 12 and under.

When you join, you’ll start receiving a postcard every other month. Bring the card to the Credit Union, make at least a $5.00 deposit to your savings account, and you’ll receive a different gift every other month. We’ll have water puzzles, colored pencils, sunglasses, Frisbees, penlights, and lots of other surprises.

Just for becoming a member of the club, you’ll get a calendar and a book. The calendar has a dime-saver and a good ecology idea for each month. The ideas, and the pictures to illustrate them, are from club members.
You too can submit ideas, and if your idea is one of the 12 best, you’ll get your idea printed in a future calendar along with your name and photo. Plus you’ll win $50.

Call us at 337-533-1808 or visit Access of Louisiana Federal Credit Union for information on how to join the Johnny Appleseed Club. It’s free, just for being a member of Access of Louisiana Federal Credit Union.

This credit union is federally insured by the
National Credit Union Administration.
NCUA and Equal Housing Lender
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